Lasting Change

People who seek psychotherapy usually want CHANGE in some area of their lives. They want the change TO PERSIST DURING DIFFICULT TIMES. And most of all they want the change TO BE LASTING. Over the years I have searched for and developed methods that produce lasting change using a three-pronged approach for many issues.

  • Stabilization and Centering: whatever the issue, individual and/or relationship, the work proceeds best when client and therapist are both able to stay steady and resourceful in the presence of strong emotions. It may interest you to know this is a skill that can be learned and which improves over time. With this skill you can acknowledge "difficult" thoughts and feelings, own them as yours, and to decide whether or how to communicate them without "losing it". (Think the opposite of a Jerry Springer show.)
  • Symptom Investigation and Transformation: When clients present symptoms such as anxiety, sexual dysfunction or relationship conflict, they generally hope therapy will rid them of the symptom.